How does NORMATEC work?

The NORMATEC technology mimics the body’s natural biological systems to expedite the flushing of fluids and metabolites (Carbon dioxide, lactic acid, etc.) from your limbs. Conversely, compression therapy helps to revive our clients by increasing the circulation of nutrient-rich blood and oxygen to the affected limbs.

This accelerates the soft tissue healing process and offers an array of rejuvenating benefits that include:

  • Decreased water retention

  • Decreased pain sensitivity and fatigue after acute exercise

  • Reduction in the development of cellulite

  • Increased mobility

NORMATEC is a tested and proven technology increases the range of motion and flexibility, relieves muscle pain, and prevents DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness). Allow Normatec’s sequential pulse compression therapy to relax taxed muscles and increase blood flow in your extremities. If you find yourself constantly on your feet (first responders, law enforcement, teachers, construction workers, athletes, etc.), take a load off and relax with the R2 Recovery Lounge team. Let us keep you relaxed until your next challenge calls.